The primary reason for large scale exclusion of Punjabi labour from Ludhiana industrial work force are following

1. Extremely greedy nature of Punjab Industrialists because they get cheapest labour at lowest rates with no fear of labour strike or agitation in support of workers as migrants don’t even want to lose one day “Dihari” or wages and are not very aware of their rights as a working class as they being extremely poor are prone to work place exploitation.

2. If we analyse the local industrialists prefer to employ migrants because of following advantages accruing to the employer vis a vis a Punjabi work force.
A. Migrant labour works at half wages.
B. Can work in appalling anti health working conditions.
C. Migrants work in 12:hour shits in inhuman conditions.
D. Migrants share rooms @ Five to Six persons in “Vehras” and sharing toilet and bathrooms which are unhygienic and dirty is an understatement for their cleanliness.
E. Labour is beaten physically by their own migrant foremen if found sleeping on a 12 hour long shift in which a person is bound to doze off due to the bad air, low on oxygen , physical tiredness.
F. Migrant labour being meek by nature and character being outsiders take lot of bullshit from employers and Supervisors.

3. Whereas Punjabi labour wants the following
A. Eight hours working shifts
B. Good wages as per skill and inflation.
C. Want good and hygienic work conditions.
D. By nature have the wisdom challenge any anti employee measures or worker. exploitive rule being thrust on them by management.
E. Like dignity of labour
F. Have and prefer good living conditions as compared to migrants this want more wages to spend on themselves.
G. Are less likely to send wage saving home since the family’ are in little better condition than migrants families in Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
H. By nature Punjabi labour does not like too many conditions, discipline and rules unless it’s life and future question like getting a work visa, work permit and that too of a foreign country.

4. Punjab is very clearly suffering because of extreme unemployment due to non development in home state’s of migrants and high population of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.

5. No Punjab Government till date has taken this matter of exploitation of migrants seriously and also not taken any steps to restore dignity of Punjabi labour work force.

The above is the crux of the problems of large scale unemployment of Punjabi youth in INDUSTRIAL SECTOR OF PUNJAB